Undergraduate, Graduate, and Adult Workshops

Writing and Drawing

Writing and drawing work to support each other. The fine motor skills developed by drawing are used for writing. Historically and developmentally, writing grows from drawing skills, so why disconnect the two? Many students stop drawing before high school if they are not considered gifted at drawing. However, drawing and doodling can actually help many students to focus and retain information, especially visual and kinesthetic learners. Experience some simple drawing exercises and learn how you can integrate drawing into your classroom exercises. At least half an hour is suggested for this workshop.

Teaching the Graphic Novel

How does one select a graphic novel for use in the classroom? How can graphic novels be used in the classroom? Graphic novels can be used as a part of English curriculum (both fiction and non-fiction), and to support history and social studies concepts. Learn how to analyze and select strong graphic novels for use in the classroom, introduce students to visual literacy, apply the elements of writing to both words and images, and create supporting activities. Participants will leave this workshop with booklists and sample exercises to use in the classroom. At least an hour and a half is requested for this workshop. *This workshop can be presented as a lecture for large groups.